Our purpose is to encourage and promote resilient young adults with a focus on youth exiting orphanages and youth exiting schools in need of a gap year to realize their potential. We are motivated by strong and direct evidence that by removing the hurdles that limit the potential of determined but unrecognized individuals, we may make a meaningful contribution to society.

Our vision is to offer individualized assistance, mentorship, and resources, to promote not just economic empowerment but also a culture of resilience, innovation, and social responsibility in young adults. From mind and skillset development to professional growth we are designed to be the backbone of a rising workforce within orphan and underprivileged communities


We are dedicated to addressing pressing challenges faced by young adults encountering formidable obstacles such as unemployment and housing insecurity, often compounded by the absence of mentorship. Moreover, issues like school dropout rates and substance abuse further worsen their predicament.

The lack of comprehensive guidelines for preparing youth exiting the foster care and school system in South Africa presents a significant barrier, one that we are steadfastly committed to overcoming for economic growth. In essence we are spearheading a new generation of incredible change that will enable
these young adults to become independent, and unreliant from a failed system.

Vision for Orphaned Youth
The elderly are the angels giving the youth wings through transferring skills.

In 2018 on a peaceful afternoon God gave me a vision to implement that does not yet exist. He downloaded timelines and every detail of the project.

I always had a very soft place for the elderly, they have spent and invested their lives in the next generation, each one is a library in its field. When they pass on, these skills should have transferred to the youth and not get lost. The fragile very often feel that they have no purpose anymore, feel rejected and alone, longing for company and love.

On the other hand, you have the orphaned youth, and child driven families with no parents left. These youth are mostly lost at the age of 18. No money, nowhere to go, study or earn money. They mostly did not have a Father figure and no mother to nurture and love them or transfer some skills to them.

With the concept to get these 2 groups together both targets can be reach. The angels can give the orphans wings !

There will be a hub where the fragile elderly visit regularly in a safe environment, each of them will bring a skill to the group. They will receive nutritional meal, feel loved and part of a family whilst transfer their skills and that will make them feel useful.